Utility Bill Relief Program

Rollingwood Residents,

Thank you all for your patience with us as we worked to implement a Utility Bill Relief Program due to the Winter Weather Event in February 2021. The weather event caused unimaginable hardships on both the residents and the local businesses in Rollingwood. This program is aimed to ease that burden and reduce higher than average bills due to increased consumption because of leaks in your system or as a result of being directed to drip your faucets. This program, proposed and approved by the Utility Commission and City Council, provides for residential water bills limited to tier one and the tier two pricing. This approach provides residential customers more billing relief than the city’s normal utility billing adjustment process would provide and it significantly reduces the administrative impact of billing adjustment implementation. If consumption for the month of February is particularly high, it will not affect wastewater winter averaging. 

We will continue to work with customers on other bill payment assistance options, including payment plans and late fee waivers. Rollingwood has already discontinued water service shut-offs for non-payment since last spring as part of its coronavirus response effort.

Utility bills will be processed in the next few days and you should receive your bill in the mail next week. Thank you again for your patience with us as we work to ensure that adequate relief is provided to our residents and administrative burden is at a minimum. If you have any questions, please call City Hall at 512-327-1838.

Take Care,

City of Rollingwood